Saturday, March 1, 2025: We Invite You to Join Us in Prayer
We Pray the Stations of the Cross During Lent
Fridays & Sundays, 12:30 PM Following Holy Mass
St. Ann Catholic Church, Florence, SC
Stations of the Cross during Lent begin Sunday, March 2, at 12:30 PM at St. Ann Parish this week...before the Introductory Session of 'Walking with Mary to Jerusalem' in the church led by Deacon Bob Cox & members of the St. Ann parish community.
SUNDAYS at 12:30 PM
Stations of the Cross will continue every Sunday afternoon, at 12:30 PM following the 11:30 AM Sunday Mass during Lent at St. Ann Parish, Florence, SC, led by Deacon Bob Cox and members of the St. Ann parish community.
FRIDAYS at 12:30 PM
Stations of the Cross will begin on Friday afternoons on First Friday of the Month, Friday, March 7, at 12:30 PM, following First Friday Mass led by (Mar. 7) Members of the Knights of Columbus.
Stations of the Cross will continue every Friday afternoon, following the 11:30 AM Holy Mass during Lent at St. Ann Parish, Florence, SC,. Members of St. Ann's parish organizations & ministries will take turns leading us in praying the Stations of the Cross, according to this schedule:
Friday, March 7: Members of the Knights of Columbus
Friday, March 14: Members of the Florence Ultreya & Cursillo
We invite you to pray the Stations of the Cross with us throughout the week. Make a date with your family to pray together & join us!
Contact Us:
St. Ann Roman Catholic Church
Rev. JohnBosco Duraisamy, Pastor
Rev. Sylvère Baloza, Parochial Vicar
Robert L. Cox, III, Deacon
David A. Kahn, Ph. D, Deacon
113 South Kemp Street, Florence, SC 29506 843.661.5012
Kathryn A. Walsh, Business Manager
Parish Office Hours: Monday 8:00AM-4:00 PM;
Tuesday-Friday, 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
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