Altar servers have an important role of assisting the priest at all Liturgical Celebrations in the Church.....
Training is provided for this special liturgical role. For those who serve regularly, an appreciation event of fun is given and the servers have input in deciding what event will occur.
Students preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation are expected to take part in this or some other ministry for which they are qualified.
The altar server ministry is open to those who are at least (10) years of age and have received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion.
Contact: Altar Server Training Coordinator: Deacon Robert L. Cox, III, St. Ann Parish Office, 843.661.5012.
This ministry is for individuals who need assistance in seeking an annulment for a former marriage through the Catholic Church.
Contact: Mr. Francois Barcomb, St. Ann Parish Office, 843.661.5012.
The Bereavement Committee, comprised of members of St. Ann Ladies Guild, offers assistance to parish families after the death of a loved one; assists in preparing for the funeral and vigil service; and, attends the funeral as a group.
Adults interested in this ministry receive periodic training.
The Bereavement Committee provides food to bereaved families or requests memorial Masses for the deceased.
Approximately one month after a funeral, a committee member follows up to determine if the family needs further assistance; writes notes of support and comfort to the family; and provides information about grief counseling services and seminars.
Contact: Sue Cox, President, St. Ann Ladies Guild, 843.621.0740, or call St. Ann Parish Office, 843.661.5012
The mission of the Code Red Emergency Response Team Ministry, through its network of volunteers, is to safeguard the parishioners and clergy of St. Anne Catholic Parish and to protect those parishioners during times of accident, medical incidents, and disruption of church services. We aspire to turn compassion into action so that all may benefit from our training, and that anyone injured or ill receives support and comfort; there are always trained individuals nearby, ready to use their preparation and skills to save lives.
Contact: Linda Windon,
The goal of the Disaster Planning Team is to reduce human suffering. The plan is to allow the members of St. Anne's Parish to meet the spiritual, emotional, and human needs of the parish family, should a disaster strike. Being prepared can greatly lessen the traumatic effects experienced both during and after the disaster. The Disaster Relief Team does not duplicate the efforts of any government agency active in emergency assistance.