The Finance Council is comprised of parishioners appointed at the discretion of the pastor.
The Finance Council functions as an advisory committee to assist the pastor in the responsible planning and administration of all parish financial matters and to set parish financial policies and procedures. Specific duties may include:
Reviewing the parish accounting functions;
Establishing and maintaining internal controls;
Preparation and monitoring of the parish budget;
Preparing quarterly and annual financial reports;
Assisting with parish stewardship, cash management, and related duties.
Skills required for candidates appointed to the Parish Finance Council at the discretion of the pastor may (but are not limited to) include business, accounting, or financial background.
Resources: Diocesan Parish Finance Council Handbook
Contact: Fr. JohnBosco Duraisamy, Pastor & Presider
St. Ann Parish Office, 843.661.5012
The Pastoral Planning Council consists of registered members of the parish community appointed by the pastor to serve three year terms.
The Pastoral Planning Council serves as an advisory group to the pastor:
In sharing ideas and concerns of fellow parishioners at the monthly meetings
To discuss issues that the pastor brings to them;
Coordinates initiatives as requested by the pastor.
A summary of major topics will be published in the Sunday bulletin.
Contact: Fr. JohnBosco Duraisamy, Pastor and Presider
St. Ann Parish Office, 843.661.5012.
The Facilities Committee consists of registered parishioners with expertise in some area of architecture, engineering, maintenance or construction.
This group provides professional advice and suggestions to the pastor relative to building renovation and major repairs of parish property.
The Committee meets every four to eight weeks.
An understanding of architecture, engineering, maintenance and construction is a benefit, but not necessary for membership. Volunteers should have an interest in developing the parish campus.
Contact: Fr. JohnBosco Duraisamy, Pastor & Presider
St. Ann Parish Office, 832.661.5012
Maintenance Supervisor: Mr. Fran Barcomb, St. Ann Parish Office, 843.661.5012